This is a gifted child, not a disabled child

junho 30, 2008

Imagem: © UNESCO/ Michel Ravassard

"27-06-2008 - “We strive for an education system where all children are included and not separated into different groups,” said UNESCO’s Assistant Director General for Education, Nick Burnett, during a meeting on inclusive education that gathered a group of disabled children from Russia this week.

Kouznetsov, eleven years old, was among the children visiting UNESCO. He wants to be a sound engineer and translator when he grows up. For now Kouznetsov, partly blind and unable to walk, speaks four languages, plays the flute and sings in foreign languages.

He benefits from a grant given by the Russian ‘Filantrop’ fund. Founded in 1990, this fund aims to give disabled children access to regular education systems by, among others, ensuring that all new building projects in Moscow have special access for handicapped individuals.

“The main goal of the fund is to encourage disabled children to study and to take an active part in the life of society,” says Mr Ilya Konkin, Director General of Filantrop Fund.

There is increasing recognition that it is better for children with special needs to attend regular schools, albeit with various forms of special support. Children with disabilities who are given the opportunity and access regular education systems enrich themselves and their classmates.

“Finnish researchers are using results from the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment to demonstrate that inclusive classrooms do not reduce the learning outcomes of the highest achievers but rather improve the learning of children with difficulties,” says a member of UNESCO’s team working on Inclusive Education Ms Jill van den Brule. This along with other results will be presented at the next International Conference on Education on ‘Inclusive Education: the way of the future’ that will be held in Geneva from 25 to 28 November 2008.

Promoting inclusive practices is crucial for reaching the Education for All goals. UNESCO’s inclusive education team works on policy (curriculum development, advocacy); changing attitudes in society (demonstrating that children with disabilities can have a positive impact in the classroom by imparting skills on learning to live together and promoting peer teaching); and at classroom level (basing results not only on traditional grading systems).


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Online Resources

junho 26, 2008

Check out these resources for more information on universal education

Dia do Paralímpico

O que é

«O Dia do Paralímpico é uma iniciativa desenvolvida em colaboração com a Federação Portuguesa de Desporto para Deficientes com o Patrocínio Exclusivo Allianz e que conta com o apoio da Câmara Municipal de Cascais.

No dia 28 de Junho, das 10h às 19h, vem até à Baía de Cascais e participa no Dia do Paralímpico!

Vem à grande festa do desporto adaptado e experimenta as várias modalidades paralímpicas.

Um dia diferente dedicado ao desporto e ao convívio, na companhia dos nossos "super atletas" - um exemplo de coragem e determinação que tantas medalhas têm trazido a Portugal.

Há muita animação para toda a família, com demonstrações dos atletas, desfiles de escolas, torneios e actuações musicais.

Não faltes e inscreve-te individualmente ou em grupo

Fonte: site do Dia do Paralímpico

About disability

junho 22, 2008

«A disability definition

Agreeing on a common definition of disability is not an easy task. Several attempts have taken place in the past years, at various levels.

At present, there is no one unique and agreed definition of disability. The lack of a clear definition partly explains the lack of statistics and figures on disability in Europe.

Until very recently, the definition of disability has been determined by a medical approach. This approach was largely based on pity and charity towards disabled people, which should be “cured” in order to fit in society.

Since its establishment, the European Disability Forum has worked actively to overcome the medical model and to spread a notion of disability based on a social approach.

While the medical model is based on the persons’ “impairment” and “lack of ability”, the social model shifts the focus onto “disability” due to surrounding barriers.

Disability is therefore understood as the result of the interaction between the individual’s impairment and the barriers created by society (be social, environmental and attitudinal).

While the medical model puts the responsibility on the “individual”, the social model stresses society’s responsibility to include and accommodate the needs of all persons, including people with disabilities.

According to EDF, disability relates to people that currently have a disability, had a disability in the past, may have a disability in the future, or are associated with a person with a disability.» (European Disability Forum)

Links on the Definition of disability

“So You Think You Can Dance”

junho 21, 2008

‘Reality dance show puts Rett syndrome in the spotlight’

«June 20th, 2008

From the New York Times:

Choreographer Jean Marc Genereux this week created a dance routine for the popular Fox Show “So You Think You Can Dance” to honor his daughter, who has Rett syndrome. The condition is caused by a genetic mutation on the X chromosome, and is characterized by normal early development followed by loss of motor skills. Audience members were reportedly in tears when the dance was performed. With video. Also on youtube here.» (Patricia E Bauer)
Twitch & Kherington - Viennese Waltz

Legenda: "Twitch and Kherington perform a Viennese Waltz choreographed by Jean-Marc Genereux." ( kelxk3l)

Inclusive Education

junho 19, 2008

Education ministers focus on teachers’ role in inclusive education

«A broader understanding of social inclusion lies behind an international conference from 19-20 June in Saint Petersburg, Russia. Organized by UNESCO on the theme of «Inclusive Education: Improving Education Policies and Systems», the conference will bring together education ministers or their representatives from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Republic of Moldova and the Russian Federation.

Discussions will centre on developing educational policies and strategies to include the most vulnerable social groups in the education system, taking regional specificities into account. Priority will be given to the need to elaborate specific training for teachers as key actors in the process of social inclusion.
The findings of the Saint Petersburg conference will enrich the 48th session of UNESCO’s International Conference on Education, “Inclusive Education: the Way of the Future” (25 - 28 November 2008, Geneva, Switzerland.» (UNESCO, 18-06-2008 - Contact:

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