Tools and Resources - UN documents

março 03, 2010

UN documents
The conventions has cyclic systems of reporting: the state submits a report each 4-5 years to the committee of independent experts, who responds with a set of questions issued to the state, a face-to-face meeting in Geneva then takes place and a final set of concluding recommendations or observations on the status and rate of implementation is issued. All this takes place in public. This current system of many different committees and reporting cycles does produces a lot of paper and can be a huge burden on national civil services, and leave much room for deference and delays. But they also provide many opportunities for civil society: to either work with the state, or to produce a critical shadow report which will always be considered by the committee; and to use both the process and the observations to “name and shame”, keeping up and renewing due pressure on the state.
For all UN human rights documents, visit: The Universal Human Rights Index (
The number of UN documents is ever-growing, but many of them can be extremely useful to campaigners. The Right to Education Project cannot keep track of this. So we refer to the UN’s database for identifying what fits your specific interest or campaigning needs.
The Universal Human Rights Index gives this access. The index is based on the observations and recommendations of the following international expert bodies: 
  1. Committees of independent experts of the treaty bodies monitoring the implementation of the core international human rights treaties (since 2000)
  2. Special Procedures of the Human Rights Council (since 2006) – both country and thematic reports, see esp. under education, minorities, gender etc
Therefore please do take your time to search The Universal Human Rights Index. It is available in 6 languages
Simple searches can be carried out directly on the home page. Document can be searched by entering a keyword, a country, a body or a right, or any combination of these elements.
The advanced search link makes it possible to refine searches by: combining criteria (e.g. several countries, bodies or rights at the same time); combining keywords; using ‘affected persons’ as a criterion; by the year of publication; or by symbol.

What to look for?
We recommend that you either look at the references to education/gender/minorities/discrimination etc in the concluding observations by the committee, in order to use these views in your campaigning.
Furthermore, you should visit the individual committees, to keep track of when your country is up for review next time, if a report has recently been posted and when it therefore is opportune to produce a civil society shadow report to counter-balance the official state report.
The major committees dealing with education rights and non-discrimination are:
If you do not find what you seek or otherwise need further advice on navigation, please do not hesitate to contact us and we will aim to help you as best we can: info[at]
For more information please also visit the pages of the highly useful database.

Tools and Resources: Reports and Links

RTE Right to Education Project

Duncan Wilson: Human Rights: Promoting gender equality in and through education.

Save the Children Save the Children

The Power and Promise of Girl’s Education

The Convention on the Rights of the Child and Quality Education


EFA Global Monitoring Report




Women’s Refugee Commission


ANCEFA - Africa Network Campaign on Education For All
CLADE - The Latin-American Campaign for the Right to Education

Recomendo: Global Campaign for Education



Rights and Dignity of Persons with Disabilities

março 01, 2010

64th session of the General Assembly 

Reports of the Secretary-General:
Convention in Brief
Fonte: Secretariat for the Convention on the rights of persons with disabilities
The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Optional Protocol are serviced by a joint Secretariat, consisting of staff of both the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA), based in New York, and the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in Geneva. This Enable website is provided by DESA.


Site developed by the UN Web Services Section, Department of Public Information and maintained by the Secretariat for the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Department of Economic and Social Affairs © United Nations 2008-2009

'UNICEF : For every child 2010'

"For Every Child" is a new UNICEF video which highlights the importance of realizing children's rights as foreseen in the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

The four and a half minute video is set to music by UNICEF Canada Ambassador Steve Barakatt. The orchestral piece, composed to commemorate the 20th Anniversary of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, features solo contributors from a variety of UNICEF Goodwill Ambassadors and other supporters.

For more information...please visit:


Scribd Feed for group: Educação Inclusiva

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